Weslaco resident's haunted halloween house


Weslaco resident Rudy Muniz talks to OME about the motives behind building his annual haunted house, a three-month long project for a night of wholesome (and free) community fun.
1. Tell us about your haunted house, what can residents expect out of it?
Hopefully have a good scare and just enjoy themselves.
2. How many people do you expect to come through it this Halloween?
We were in a contest last year for the Town Crier that was judging scariest Halloween decorations and we won. That brought us around 120 trick-or-treaters. This year we are hoping for around 200.
3. What made you dedicate so much effort into a haunted house?
I started off doing it for my daughters. The cost was low, I got a lot of donations of leftover material from people who were gonna throw it away after I made a post on craigslist. Then it turned into something for the community and especially the kids that cant afford a big haunted house.
I also learned that I enjoy little kids being scared.

4. Describe your first haunted house experience.
I was one of the biggest Halloween fans growing up but I couldn’t afford something like a haunted house when I was little… It was this dilapidated shop that was fixed up to be a haunted house, I was a teenager and it was very inexpensive. It was pretty scary at the time but I’m sure I wouldn’t be scared now that I’m grown.

5. Are you against adults and teens visiting your haunted house?
Don’t have anything against it. I enjoy trying to scare and giving people candy. I only ask that they COME IN COSTUME!
6. What has been the response from the community?
I started building the haunted house three months ago and still haven’t let my neighbors seen it so I haven’t heard anything from them yet.


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